Tuesday, 3 May 2022

More Sales (Price Checks are a Bitch)

 More sales incoming...!

Got some heads, faceplates, and clothes so far.
I'm thinking of included my Camellia Dynasty Bean (little rabbit) as well, but I'm not sure at all on a pricepoint...he's in great condition, but his container -- an egg -- for some reason isn't so good.
It has been kept in a drawer, totally out of light etc, yet one half of the egg is very yellowed, and ther other is still pretty damn white. Its weird...


Anyway, I'll get some pictures of him up, start doing some digging around, and see if there's a price I am willing to let go of him for.

... that said, all this digging around is really making me miss the hobby again.
It isn't financially viable these days, but while trying to find info for all these sales, I'm coming across things and dolls I love, and a curiosity of how things have changed, such as quality etc.
I saw a post on IG the other day about some body changes from a company through the years and it was so interesting. My golden oldies would likely be considered rubbish posers now, no doubt.
But also going through my collection, it made me kinda sad.
I couldn't finish some characters I wanted, and I was just getting into minifees when I left, so I hardly have anything that fits them, let alone things that fit particular characters.
I'd love to be able to change that.

Perhaps one day.

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