Friday, 1 January 2016

Another Year, Another Goal!

Hiya guys, and welcome to 2016!

In all honesty, I'm glad that 2015 is over - despite a couple of (very big) highs, the year has been a bad one for me, in a lot of ways.

Thank God for the New Years tradition, and the closure that tends to come with it!
Here's to an even better year for everyone! : )

As for delightful dollies themselves, things are still pretty quiet on that front, for me. :(
There's still stuff I want to do (and buy!) but we're still only using cash for practical things, unless I sell some more stuff on Ebay first! (our agreement is that I can buy doll stuff, with sold doll stuff only, for now)

Generally, I think I've been pretty good - not much has appealed to me enough to crack into our savings, and I usually prefer to trade anyway, but now....yes, I've fallen in love again.

....isn't she beautiful? I have a distinct feeling that the Mandrak Moor series will be the death of me.
Still, she's an expensive one, so unless I magically sell both Isaac and at least one of my dollie heads, there's no way I'll get her in time. :(
I will simply sigh, and wait, and hope that one day, I'll be able to get that full set, second hand... <3

1 comment :

  1. I hope you will have a wonderful 2016! And Lunnula is very pretty, I love her lips and her hair.

    Also, I wanted to let you know you have been awarded/ tagged~ Here:

    Have a great day!
