Saturday, 12 September 2015

My Hiro!

Wow, I just caught a glimpse of Migidoll's new boy, Hiro!
(Also, as usual I couldn't resist a terrible pun)

He's so handsome, and mature looking - especially for an MSD.
I'll have to seriously consider if he'd be a better sculpt for Toshi, rather than Mir, when the time comes...

I'm such a sucker for Migidoll though...every single one of them is heart-stoppingly handsome - not something most companies can boast!

Anyway, I've been away all this week, staying with my parents and trying to relax and recover from the new meds I'm on, but I'm missing my dolls so much!
They haven't had anywhere near the attention they deserve for quite a while, because things in my personal life have just taken over, all motivation was out of the window and I just needed a break!
When I get home though, there's going to be a big sort-out, clean-up and bonding sesh with all my little resin brats! x3

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