Monday 23 March 2015

On The Market?

Anyone looked at Crobidoll's site again recently?
There's some sweet little new guys on there!

Generally, I'm not a big fan of the MSD and smaller Crobis, but I love this JRPG, Final Fantasy esque theme of these! The archer and mage especially!
It seems also, if you buy all four of these little ones during the event period, you also get a little creature, Ultimo, who is a summon for their little party. A very cool idea - I'd like to do something similar with my own guys.
(and I so wish the mage's little staff was available for SDs -- I'd love something like it for Ryn!)

Aside from Crobidoll though, there's been some gorgeous dolls up for sale on DOA's Marketplace!

Man, I wanted this girl for ages....the company no longer exists, so she's not generally buyable anymore, and she looks so beautiful with her default faceup!

Celine is White Skin is so beautiful - I was hoping to get one just like her, if tanned skin didn't work out for Gale. I hope this gorgeous girl is snapped up soon!
(And maybe one day, I'll be able to get the upgrade eyes xD)

For anyone else who happens to be a Crobidoll fan, there's a really nice LJ on the MP right now.
I'd have snapped him up if possible, but I'm really holding out for the default face, as I really like the colours. Really nice custom faceup on this boy though!

Why this girl hasn't gone already, I don't understand.
I remember seeing her on the DOD site back in the day, and found her absolutely breathtaking!
And this girl comes with all the fullset stuff, and for so cheap...its almost painful to see, really.
So wish I could get her - she's been on my "watch list" for a while now....I really hope she finds a loving home soon.

I hope this helps people find some beauties they like...if anyone finds this interesting, I may post some more soon, including some of the beyond gorgeous heads I've seen around lately....
If only we had those money trees, eh?

Thanks for looking! : )


  1. Two years for Shall! That's incredible. She's not super expensive either.....unlike that Feeple 60 which is. But people are gaga for FL! Now I'm curious to watch....

  2. I know, it is utter madness!
    Pretty sure she started out at around $2000, but I could be wrong...
    I really hope she finds a good home soon though -- I've had issues with the old DODs, but she's a great set up.
