Saturday 11 October 2014

Happy Birthday To Meee! :D

Yay, its my birthday ! :D

Guys, I have some news, though it isn't dollie related...

I'm moving house! :D
Matt finally got a nice job, and we'll moving before the end of the month!
This doesn't leave much time, as we have our holiday on Monday, we're going to Matt's induction the day after, staying at his Dad's house, then deciding when to move from there, based on his start day....truth be told, I'm very nervous and stressed about the whole thing, but I know its a good step forward...

Anyway, just letting you know that I may go quiet for a while, while things get sorted, so please be patient with me, and wish me luck! : )

Dollwise, I've done some buying, selling and trading of small items, but still waiting on my dollies from Denver and Fairyland....

Still stuck on a name for my Yujin, too. :(

1 comment :

  1. Awww gonna be sad to see you go silent for awhile, I love how often you keep the blog up to date.
    But sounds like a big step in the RL department, enjoy the jittery nerves, getting your own place is super exciting!

